Tartufo Nero Uncinato (Tuber Uncinatum)
Tartufo Nero Uncinato (Tuber Uncinatum)
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Tuber Aestivum, also known as the Summer Truffle, is a highly prized and sought-after variety of truffle that is found throughout Europe. It is highly valued for its intense aroma and earthy flavor, which makes it a popular ingredient in gourmet dishes.
The Summer Truffle has a dark, warty exterior that ranges in color from dark brown to black. Its interior flesh is light brown with white veins and has a firm, dense texture. It has a complex flavor profile that is earthy and musky, with notes of hazelnut and chocolate.
The Summer Truffle is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from pasta and risotto to eggs and meat dishes. Its distinctive flavor profile and aroma make it an excellent complement to a variety of ingredients, including butter, cream, and cheese.
At its freshest, Tuber aestivum can be consumed raw, shaved or grated over dishes as a garnish or seasoning. When preserved, it can be used to add depth and complexity to a variety of dishes, making it an essential ingredient for any gourmet kitchen.
Overall, Tuber aestivum, or the Summer Truffle, is a rare and highly prized ingredient that adds a unique and delicious flavor to any dish it is used in. Its complex and intense flavor profile makes it a favorite among food enthusiasts and professional chefs alike, and its versatility makes it a must-have ingredient for any kitchen. Try our Tuber aestivum today and experience the exquisite flavor and aroma of this prized truffle.

Informazioni utili
Conservazione: Una volta arrivato toglilo dalla scatola refrigerata, avvolgilo nella carta da cucina e mettilo in frigo in un barattolo di vetro, consumalo prima possibile per non perdere la sua fragranza
Confezionamento: Confezione Refriferata
Abbinamento: È l’ideale per creare numerosi tipi di antipasti, primi piatti e secondi. Perfetto per realizzare la famosa salsa tartufata come condimento per bruschette, crostini, paste fresche, carni arrosto e vari tipologie di pesce
Ingredienti: Tartufo nero di Bagnoli Irpino (Tuber Mesentericum)
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PER 100G
130 kj / 31 kcal
0 g
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